Leadership Session 9 (12/5/12)

Session Nine: Sacraments; Callings & Ministries

Session Nine will be held on 12/5/12, taught by Jim Bates.

Assigned Reading

1. The Westminster Confession of Faith (Original), Chapters 27-29 (WCF in Modern English)

2.  Bryan Chapell, “A Pastor’s Case for Infant Baptism”

3.  Os Guinness, Lecture on Calling
(This lecture is based on Guinness’ book The Call, and is concerned with the concept of calling in the Christian life.  If you are able to listen to it, there is a corresponding note-taking sheet at the end of this week’s study questions.  The entire recording is 80 minutes long and includes a Q&A session.  If you would like a shorter listen, concentrate on minutes 17-51.  We will also discuss Guinness’ ideas during our class meeting.)

Session Nine Study Questions
You are not required to turn in the answers to the questions for Session Eight.  However, to enable a better discussion, you should make sure you have access to your written responses (whether electronically or on paper) during the first class meeting.

Scripture Memorization: You are invited to continue to memorize one or more of these verses related to leadership in the church.  We will try to take some time during our classes to practice these with each other.  (Feel free to use a different version if you don’t want to memorize these in NIV!)

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