Leadership Session 6 (11/19/14)

Session Six: Reformed Doctrine I — Scriptures, God, Creation

Session Six will be held on 11/19/14, taught by Pastor Sam Andreades.

Assigned Reading

1. The Westminster Confession of Faith (Original) , Chapters 1-7 (WCF in Modern English)

2. The Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy, Translated (by Paige Britton)(The entire document can be accessed here, but it is not necessary to read it for our class.  Paige’s “translation” focuses on the series of affirmations and denials that form the core of the document.  The original version also includes several pages of discussion, and it is written in a scholarly style that might be hard to follow if you aren’t familiar with some of the debate on inerrancy over the last two centuries. This paraphrase just makes the main ideas more accessible.)

3.  PCA Creation Study Committee Report to the 2010 General Assembly, Introduction and Recommendations(The entire document can be accessed here, but it is not necessary to read it for our class.  It contains an excellent summary of the various historical positions held on the length of the creation days, plus some helpful appendices that provide definitions of terms used in this debate as well as a discussion of General Revelation and science.  For this session of our course, we intended just to concentrate on the reality of a diversity of views within the denomination, and the necessity of both tolerance and boundaries regarding the theology of creation taught in our churches.)

Session Six Study Questions
You are not required to turn in the answers to the questions for Session Six.  However, to enable a better discussion, you should make sure you have access to your written responses (whether electronically or on paper) during the first class meeting.

Scripture Memorization: You are invited to continue to memorize one or more of these verses related to leadership in the church.  We will try to take some time during our classes to practice these with each other.  (Feel free to use a different version if you don’t want to memorize these in NIV!)