Talking Points Update

I just figured out that if you are savvy enough to be “following” this blog, you will think nothing is happening because you only get alerts when we write “posts,” and it turns out to be more convenient for the interface if we write “pages.”  But stuff is happening here (Hebrews) and here (Leadership)…

So come talk about it.


Session 1 Talking Point

(This section is under construction — we’re actually going to avoid Mark Driscoll’s piece this year because of his controversial leadership example.  Hopefully a new Talking Point will be up soon!)

[After watching Mark Driscoll’s presentation on “Head, Heart, Hands”, consider how these three aspects of leadership are lived out in our church generally.

What do we already do well in each area?

Where do we need improvement?  Do you have any ideas or suggestions?]

(Guidelines for Commenters)